COVID 19 Currently the world is trying its best to eradicate the deadly new virus, the Corona Virus. How not this new type of deadly virus that has claimed thousands of lives worldwide. Prevention that we must do is as follows. 1) Wash your hands properly after doing activities outside and inside the house. 2) Expand to consume fruits and vegetables. 3) Use a mask if you cough and runny nose. 4) Immediately do a doctor's examination if you experience symptoms of cough and shortness of breath. 5) Diligent exercise and adequate rest For 14 days, all activities outside the home were temporarily stopped, such as school, work or other activities. Why is that? Because to minimize the existence of social contact or not to do temporary social communication, because this virus is very contagious and fatal. During these 14 days the students went to school at home by studying online via cellphone The teacher gives assignments to students via mobile phones and given a c...